Friday, June 12, 2009

Keeping Up

Canning season is suddenly in full swing, and I find myself facing boxes of strawberries, cherries and apricots. (I always think, at this time of year, about balance -- the cold months that allow us a welcome break from the frenetic pace of the planting, weeding, harvesting, canning, freezing and drying that I'm eager to get to, while waiting for the weather to warm up...) I've replaced what we used to call my "Walkman", and have checked out some of my favorite books on CD from the library. So now it's time to get busy. The Ball book has some excellent recipes, and I'm looking forward to trying some of them. As always, my goal where our food storage is concerned is variety...

Ended up with the better part of a case of strawberries, and as I already have about 3 cases of strawberry jam (including a little pepper jam and a little balsamic, both from the Ball book), wanted to make something different. The Ball book does have some interesting options, but I ended up making a regular batch and adding a bit of the flavoring oil I use for making candy at Christmas time. Very nice!! In fact, though in my younger, "purist" days I would have considered it cheating, I've lately decided it's ok to salvage a less-than-perfect batch of jam by adding a tiny bit of flavoring, to supply the "notes" that are missing. Not enough to overpower, just enough to round out the flavor and turn a mediocre jam into an excellent one.

A case in point: A colander full of apricots, on their way to becomng jam and ranging from a-good-bit-greener-than-I-like-to-use to overripe, needed a little help after it was blended with the pectin and lemon juice. Once it boiled, I added the honey & waited until it was at the can't-be-stirred-down stage. Then I threw in some blueberries (stirring carefully from here on, so as to avoid crushing them). But it was still lacklustre. So I added a tiny bit of apricot flavor oil, but tasted it & thought that might have been a mistake. After considering a few flavors, I settled on the tiniest drop of raspberry. Success! Bottled it, processed it for 10 minutes in the water bath, and it's now cooling on the counter. The recipe called for 4 pounds of apricots & said I'd get 3 pints of jam, but I added about 2 cups of blueberries, and had to add a good bit more honey (because of the unripe fruit) -- ended up with 13 half-pints of jam. (DH is always quick to point out that I can never seem to follow a recipe "to the letter" -- but where's the fun in that?!)

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